“Why are you reading that?”
Part II
I have not read much YA lately. The
latest trend seems to be realistic fiction.
These are great books and are very important for teens. However, I will
admit that realistic fiction is not a big draw for me. Working with teens is the best
experience. They will come to you with
happy stories and events in their lives and you will hear horror stories. The sad reality of working with teens is you
are part psychologist. You become a good
listener and try to put the right book in the hands of someone who can use it
and take something away that answers questions.
Today’s social media give a portal into the horror that many teens face
and some eagerly dish out. Many of the
titles released in today’s market deal with these issues. I am a wimp.
Reading and hearing about these scenes every day wear me out. I no longer get any pleasure reading books
that deal with these issues. They are so
important though and necessary for those that need ways to deal with these daily
situations and have nowhere to turn to find the answers. Too many adults are hesitant to address the
hard to face realities of life to a teen, especially their own child. Of course, teens are so open to discussing
these awkward topics that come up in life, aren’t they?
I believe some of the most
entertaining and exciting novels are in the Young Adult area. Authors who write for teens are not afraid to
think outside the box. Teens are more
willing to accept the unconventional, as we witnessed with Meyer’s
vampires. It was refreshing and
liberating and allowed many authors to create their own scenarios that are not
part of the norm.
The mystery genre is much the same as
in adult. It deals with realistic
scenarios. Jealousy, envy, greed, all
play a big part in teen mysteries.
Kidnappings, drugs, and the loss of love figure heavily in these
thrillers. Another big theme is the popular ‘fear of failure.’ You will find this theme carries over into adult
thrillers. Both can be graphic and
gruesome. It is this thread of brutality
that keeps me from enjoying any contemporary thrillers. For me personally, I see and hear so much of
this theme in the daily thread on Facebook, nightly newsfeed, and in the
newspaper. ‘Man’s inhumanity to man’ is
not a relaxing, comfy, nor entertaining theme I wish to spend my final years
That is why I read what I do.
Thank you!